
Code-breaker Alan Turing will appear on the next £50 note

World War II Enigma code-breaker Alan Turing will be the face of the UK's new £50 note, the Bank of England has announced.


Speaking at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester, governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney said the computer science pioneer "has had an enormous impact on how we live today."


"As the father of computer science and artificial intelligence, as well as war hero, Alan Turing’s contributions were far ranging and path breaking," said Carney. "Turing is a giant on whose shoulders so many now stand."


Turing was instrumental in the development of early computers and theorised about artificial intelligence.



Fresh Island fire: Zrce beach evacuated as fire surrounds festival in Croatia
新鲜岛火灾: 克罗地亚节日期间,兹尔切海滩被大火包围,人员被疏散

Thousands of people have been evacuated from a hip hop festival after a fire engulfed a nearby forest, according to witnesses.


Revellers filmed plumes of smoke rising from the blaze close to the Fresh Island festival at Zrće beach, on the island of Pag, in Croatia.

在克罗地亚帕格岛的 Zrće 海滩,狂欢者在新鲜岛节日附近拍摄大火升起的烟雾。

In one clip, a reveller can be heard saying 'oh my God, it's chaos' as people flee the flames.


Papaya nightclub, one of the three venues involved in the festival, has been evacuated.


MIRROR 原文传送门

Anorexia May Be Linked to Metabolism, a Genetic Analysis Suggests

Anorexia has one of the highest mortality rates of any psychiatric disorder, and scientists are still perplexed by its causes. Now, however, a new study has examined the genomes of tens of thousands of people and identified eight chromosome locations that may increase vulnerability to the illness. Some of these locations have been linked to metabolic problems—suggesting the causes of anorexia may not be purely psychological.


Anorexia nervosa, as it is officially known, is an eating disorder primarily associated with an extremely low body mass index (BMI), usually accompanied by an aversion to eating and a distorted body image. It affects about 1 to 4 percent of women and 0.3 percent of men. Previous studies in twins suggest it has a 50 to 60 percent heritability, meaning 50 to 60 percent of the variability of the traits associated with anorexia can be explained by genetic differences among people, with the remainder linked to the environment or other influences. One of the disorder’s most insidious features is that many patients are able to restore their body to a normal weight but have trouble keeping the pounds on.

神经性厌食症是一种饮食失调症,主要与极低的体重指数有关,通常伴随着厌食和扭曲的身体形象。大约有 1% 到 4% 的女性和 0.3% 的男性患有此病。先前对双胞胎的研究表明,它有 50% 到 60% 的遗传可能性,这意味着与厌食症相关的特征的 50% 到 60% 的可变性可以用人们之间的遗传差异来解释,其余的则与环境或其他影响有关。这种疾病最隐蔽的特征之一是,许多患者能够将自己的身体恢复到正常体重,但却难以保持体重。

科学美国人 原文传送门

Dinosaur exhibit features the ‘horrible hand,’ Hokkaido find

A full model skeleton of a dinosaur known as "horrible hand" made its world debut on July 13 at the Dinosaur Expo 2019 held at the National Museum of Nature and Science in the Ueno district of Tokyo.


A fossilized forelimb of the Deinocheirus dinosaur was unearthed in Mongolia's Gobi Desert in 1965. It was found in stratum formed 70 million years ago.


But the animal remained a mystery for many years because fossil parts of the rest of its body had not been found. It was only in 2006 and then again three years later that other body parts were unearthed in the Gobi Desert.


Using those fossils as a basis, a model measuring 11 meters in length and 4.5 meters tall was put together for the Tokyo exhibition.


Its name Deinocheirus is Greek for "horrible hand" because of the animal's large forelegs and claws.

它的名字 Deinocheirus 是希腊语中"可怕的手"的意思,因为这种动物的大前腿和爪子。

ASAHI 原文传送门

Neymar tells Paris Saint-Germain he wants to leave

Neymar has told Paris Saint-Germain he wants to leave the club, Sky Sports News understands.


Neymar, whose club future has been the source of intense speculation, confirmed his intention to leave the French capital after talks with PSG's sporting director Leonardo earlier on Monday.



