What's new on 2019 / 06 / 05 ? 参议员大声反对墨西哥关税威胁、苏丹危机: 反对派称死亡人数升至60人......

GOP Splits With President Trump as Senators Loudly Oppose Mexico Tariff Threat

WASHINGTON — In a rare confrontation, Republican senators declared deep opposition Tuesday to President Donald Trump’s threatened tariffs on all goods coming into the U.S. from Mexico. But it’s unclear they have the votes to stop him, and Trump said they’d be “foolish” to try.

华盛顿——周二,共和党参议员罕见地对唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统威胁要对所有从墨西哥进入美国的商品征收关税表示强烈反对。但目前还不清楚他们是否有足够的票数来阻止他,特朗普说他们这样做是"愚蠢的"。

All sides, including officials from Mexico meeting with Trump negotiators in Washington this week, remain hopeful that high-level talks will ease the president away from his threat. But with the tariffs set to start next Monday — and Trump declaring them “more likely” than not to take effect — fellow Republicans in Congress warned the White House they are ready to stand up to the president.


TIME 原文传送门

Sudan crisis: Death toll rises to 60, opposition says
苏丹危机: 反对派称死亡人数升至60人

The number of protesters killed in Sudan has risen to 60, an opposition doctors' group says, as paramilitary forces push deeper into Khartoum.


The revised death toll came after two days of unrest which began when forces of the Transitional Military Council (TMC) fired on unarmed protesters.


Members of a feared paramilitary group have reportedly been roaming the streets attacking civilians since.


The military has faced international condemnation for the deadly crackdown.


However, an attempt by the UK and Germany at the UN to call on the Sudanese military to work towards finding a solution was blocked by China, who were backed by Russia.


BBC 原文传送门

China to increase examination of Canadian pork imports

China's customs agency plans to increase inspections of Canadian pork and pork product imports, Ottawa said in a notice to the industry on Tuesday, a move that could seriously damage the country's industry.


The notice from the Ministry of Agriculture, first reported by Reuters, said the embassy in Beijing had been told the Chinese would open all containers of Canadian meat and meat products and in some cases 100 per cent of the contents will be inspected.

路透社(Reuters)率先报道的中国农业部的通知称,中国驻北京大使馆已被告知,中国将开启所有装有加拿大肉类和肉制品的集装箱,在某些情况下,100% 的货物将接受检查。

Initially beef producers believed they were included in the increased inspections. But the minister's office later said they would be for pork products only.

起初,牛肉生产商认为他们被包括在增加的检查之中。 但部长办公室后来表示,他们将只针对猪肉产品。

CBC 原文传送门

CO2 just hit an all-time record. But that’s not the worst of it.
二氧化碳排放量创历史新高。 但这还不是最糟糕的。

The Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced Tuesday that the average carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere during May rounded to 414.8 parts per million, or ppm — the highest monthly number on record and the peak of 2019. While Earth's CO2 trend has been skyrocketing overall — compared to both geologic and historic levels — each year the potent greenhouse gas wavers down during the warm growing season, when flourishing trees and plants in the Northern Hemisphere temporarily soak up CO2 from the air (this ever-rising, though saw-like line is called the Keeling Curve).

美国斯克里普斯海洋研究所和美国国家海洋和大气管理局海洋和大气管理局周二宣布,五月份大气中的二氧化碳平均浓度四舍五入到百万分之414.8,即 ppm,这是有记录以来的最高月度数字,也是2019年的峰值。 虽然与地质和历史水平相比,地球的二氧化碳排放总体上呈直线上升趋势,但每年在温暖的生长季节,强有力的温室气体排放量都会下降,那时北半球繁茂的树木和植物会暂时吸收空气中的二氧化碳(这条不断上升的锯齿状曲线被称为 Keeling Curve)。

But 414.8 ppm, while the highest monthly CO2 level in recorded history, is not the only number that's critical to appreciate. The other is 3.5 ppm. That, noted Scripps, is the leap in CO2 ppm since last May. It's the second highest year-to-year jump on record, and smashes average CO2 increases from earlier decades. After the Scripps monitoring station atop Hawaii's towering Mauna Loa went online in 1959, CO2 rose around just 0.7 ppm per year in the early decades of operation. Then, in the 1990s, the rate increased to 1.5 ppm per year. The last decade has averaged 2.2 ppm.

但是414.8 ppm 的二氧化碳含量,虽然是有史以来最高的月度二氧化碳含量,但并不是唯一值得关注的数字。 另一个是3.5 ppm。 斯克里普斯指出,这是自去年五月以来二氧化碳含量的大幅上升。 这是有记录以来第二高的年增长率,并且打击了前几十年的平均二氧化碳增长。 1959年,位于夏威夷高耸的莫纳罗亚山顶的斯克里普斯监测站上线后,在运行的最初几十年,二氧化碳浓度每年仅上升0.7 ppm。 然后,在20世纪90年代,这个比率上升到每年1.5 ppm。 过去十年的平均值为2.2 ppm。

Yet, in the last year, it was a 3.5 ppm gain. Concentrations of the planet's most influential greenhouse gas are accelerating.

然而,在去年,这是一个3.5 ppm 的增长。 地球上最具影响力的温室气体正在加速聚集。


Japan’s Abe may walk a tightrope between Trump and Tehran

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is expected to soon visit Iran in what would be the first such journey by a Japanese leader in four decades.

预计日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)不久将访问伊朗,这将是日本领导人40年来首次访问伊朗

Abe, who has worked hard to forge close ties with Donald Trump and skirt his protectionist and isolationist tendencies, has seemingly won the U.S. president’s backing for the diplomatic foray to a country with which Japan has maintained good relations despite decades of Washington-Tehran animosity.

安倍晋三努力与唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)建立密切关系,避开他的保护主义和孤立主义倾向,似乎赢得了美国总统的支持,支持他对日本进行外交突袭。尽管数十年来 Washington-Tehran 一直敌视日本,但日本与日本保持着良好关系

But hopes are subdued for any Japan-brokered breakthrough amid renewed tensions over Iran’s nuclear program, with analysts saying that’s something only Washington and Tehran can accomplish.


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