What's new on 2019 / 04 / 30 ? 美国司法部副部长罗德·罗森斯坦辞职、伊斯兰国领导人5年来首次出现在视频中......

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Resigns, Will Leave Post May 11

WASHINGTON — Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein submitted his resignation Monday, ending a two-year run defined by his appointment of a special counsel to investigate connections between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia. His last day will be May 11.

华盛顿——美国司法部副部长罗德·罗森斯坦(Rod Rosenstein)周一递交了辞呈,结束了他连续两年的任命。他任命了一名特别检察官,负责调查唐纳德·特朗普的总统竞选活动与俄罗斯之。 他的最后一天将是5月11日。

Rosenstein’s departure had been expected following the confirmation of William Barr as attorney general. The White House nominated a replacement for the department’s No. 2 slot weeks ago.

在威廉•巴尔(William Barr)被任命为司法部长之后,罗森斯坦的离职就在意料之中。几个星期前,白宫提名了一个人来接替国防部的第二把交椅。

In his resignation letter to Trump, Rosenstein paid tribute to Trump, even praising the president’s sense of humor, despite being the subject of some of Trump’s most biting jabs. Trump once retweeted an image that showed Rosenstein and other officials jailed for treason.

在写给特朗普的辞职信中,罗森斯坦对特朗普表示了敬意,甚至还称赞了特朗普的幽默感,尽管他成了特朗普最尖锐的攻击对象之一。 特朗普曾经转发了一张罗森斯坦和其他官员因叛国罪入狱的照片。

Rosenstein intended to leave around mid-March but stayed on for the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. Mueller last month submitted his report to the Justice Department, and Rosenstein was part of a small group of department officials who reviewed the document and helped shape its public release. After Mueller didn’t reach a conclusion on whether Trump had obstructed the investigation, Barr and Rosenstein stepped in and determined the evidence wasn’t enough to support such an allegation.


TIME 原文传送门

Sports Illustrated features first burkini girl

A Somali-American supermodel has become the first Muslim model to appear in Sports Illustrated wearing a burkini.


Halima Aden is featured in its annual swimsuit issue in the swimwear which covers the entire body except the face, hands and feet.

Halima Aden 每年的泳装特刊都会穿上覆盖全身的泳装,除了脸部、手部和脚部。

"Young girls who wear a hijab should have women they look up to in any and every industry," she told the BBC.

"戴头巾的年轻女孩在任何行业都应该有自己尊敬的女性,"她告诉 BBC。

Halima Aden grew up in a Kenyan refugee camp, moved to the US aged seven and began wearing the hijab shortly after.

Halima Aden 在肯尼亚难民营长大,7岁移居美国,不久后就开始戴头巾。

"We are now seeing politicians, business women, television reporters, and other successful hijabi women in visible roles and that is the message we need to be sending," she said.


"The response has been incredible and I'm so honoured that Sports Illustrated has taken the step to showcase the beauty that modestly dressed women possess."


BBC 原文传送门

2,000 military personnel supporting volunteers in Ontario, Quebec, N.B. flood zones

Thousands of people across Quebec, Ontario and New Brunswick are facing several more days of flooding as waters rise to record levels in some regions and slowly recede in others.


Efforts to hold back the water have seen thousands of volunteers, residents and military troops race to protect homes from rising waters; the closure of bridges and roads including one connecting Ottawa to Gatineau, Que., across the Ottawa River; and evacuations of thousands of homes.

为了阻止洪水,成千上万的志愿者、居民和军队竞相保护家园免受水位上升的影响,关闭了桥梁和道路,包括一座跨越渥太华河连接加蒂诺和 Que. 的桥梁,以及疏散了数以千计的家庭。

The most dire situation is in Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, a suburb west of Montreal that was inundated Saturday night after the Lake of Two Mountains burst through a natural dike.

最可怕的情况发生在 Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac,这是蒙特利尔西部的一个郊区,在周六晚上双山湖决堤后被洪水淹没。

CBC 原文传送门

IS leader appears in video for first time in 5 years

BEIRUT (AP) — The shadowy leader of the Islamic State group claimed to appear for the first time in five years in a video released by the extremist group’s propaganda arm on Monday, acknowledging defeat in the group’s last stronghold in Syria but vowing a “long battle” ahead.


The man said to be Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the video also claimed the Easter Day bombings in Sri Lanka which killed over 250 people were “part of the revenge” that awaits the West.


Despite numerous claims about his death in the past few years, al-Baghdadi’s whereabouts remain a mystery. Many of his top aides have been killed, mostly by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes. He is among the few senior IS commanders still at large after two years of steady battlefield losses that saw the self-styled “caliphate” shrink from an area the size of Britain to a tiny speck in the Euphrates River valley.

尽管在过去几年里有无数关于巴格达迪死亡的声明,但他的下落仍然是一个谜。 他的许多高级助手被杀害,大部分是因为美国领导的联军空袭。 他是为数不多的仍然在逃的 IS 高级指挥官之一。两年来,这个自封的"哈里发国"在战场上不断遭受损失,从英国的面积缩小到幼发拉底河谷的一个小点。


Russia drops out of top 5 global military spenders while US and China up the ante

Russia is no longer in the top five countries with the largest defense spend.


Total world military expenditure rose to $1.8 trillion in 2018.


The five biggest spenders in 2018 were the U.S., China, Saudi Arabia, India and France.


CNBC 原文传送门

