What's new on 2019 / 05 / 20 ? 龙卷风、破坏性大风和史无前例的洪水袭击美国中部、谷歌限制华为使用安卓系统......

Tornadoes, Damaging Winds and ‘Unprecedented Flooding’ Hit Parts of the Central U.S.

People from central Texas to across Mississippi valley continue to face a strong chance of severe weather with strong winds, large hail and even tornadoes amid a weekend full of storms. At least 11 tornadoes were reported in Oklahoma and Texas overnight Saturday going into Sunday, AccuWeather reports.

从德克萨斯州中部到密西西比河谷,人们在这个充满风暴的周末继续面临强风、大冰雹甚至龙卷风等恶劣天气的威胁。 据 AccuWeather 报道,俄克拉荷马州和德克萨斯州周六晚间至周日至少有11次龙卷风报告。

A tornado in Ballinger, Texas on Sunday possibly injured one person, according to AccuWeather. In Evangeline Parish, Louisiana, buildings were damaged as severe thunderstorms knocked one-third of homes and businesses out of power Sunday morning, according to Weather.com.

据 AccuWeather 报道,周日德克萨斯州巴林格发生龙卷风,可能造成一人受伤。据天气网报道,在路易斯安那州的伊文格琳堂区(路易斯安那州),周日早晨,严重的雷暴使三分之一的家庭和企业停电,建筑物受损。

AccuWeather meteorologist Tyler Roys tells TIME that the severe weather started in parts of Texas and Oklahoma with thunderstorms, damaging winds and localized flooding on Saturday; parts of Texas also reported several tornadoes. Meanwhile, rain in the midwestern Plains – including South Dakota, Wisconsin and Missouri – is expected to continue until Tuesday, exacerbating the ongoing flooding.

气象学家泰勒·罗伊斯告诉《时代周刊》,恶劣天气始于德克萨斯州和俄克拉荷马州的部分地区的雷暴,破坏性风和局部洪水; 德克萨斯州的部分地区也报道了几次龙卷风。与此同时,包括南达科他州、威斯康星州和密苏里州在内的中西部平原地区的降雨预计将持续到周二,加剧了持续的洪水。

TIME 原文传送门

Google restricts Huawei's use of Android

Google has cut phone maker Huawei off from some updates to the Android operating system, dealing a blow to the Chinese firm.

谷歌已经切断了手机制造商华为对 Android 操作系统的一些更新,这对这家中国公司是一个打击。

New Huawei smartphones will also lose access to popular Google apps.


The move comes after the Trump administration added Huawei to a list of companies that American firms cannot trade with unless they have a licence.


In a statement, Google said it was "complying with the order and reviewing the implications".


Huawei declined to comment.


BBC 原文传送门

Homes being evacuated in central Alberta after wildfire jumps highway

The hamlet of Marlboro in central Alberta and nearby homes are being evacuated as an out-of-control wildfire encroaches on the community.


RCMP said homes are being evacuated on both the north and south sides of Highway 16, as several homes are at risk.


The wildfire has jumped the highway — which is impassable, RCMP said — and is burning on both sides.


CBC 原文传送门

Convenience store firms reviewing business model

Three major convenience store operators are trying to reduce the amount of unsold food, and as part of these efforts, Seven-Eleven Japan Co. and Lawson, Inc. have started reviewing the fixed price sales system that has become synonymous with convenience stores themselves, together with around-the-clock operations.

Shunsuke Tanaka 和 Toru Ando / Yomiuri Shimbun 三家主要的便利店经营者正在努力减少未售食品的数量,作为这些努力的一部分,Seven-Eleven 日本公司和 Lawson 公司已经开始检查固定价格的销售系统,这个系统已经成为便利店本身的代名词,并与24小时运营一起。

As their franchisees experience severe business conditions, mainly due to the saturation of stores and the industry’s labor shortage, the business model that promoted their growth has reached a turning point.


Reducing food waste has been a challenge for the convenience store industry for a long time. The government set a goal of reducing food waste across all food-related industries, including convenience stores, to about 2.7 million tons by fiscal 2030. This is tantamount to half the amount of food waste in fiscal 2000.

长期以来,减少食物浪费一直是便利店行业面临的挑战。 政府设定了一个目标,到2030年,将包括便利店在内的所有食品相关行业的食品浪费减少到270万吨左右。 这相当于2000财政年度食物浪费量的一半。


Nobel laureate to lead Japan’s 1st center for cancer immunotherapy

Kyoto University will grant the desire of its most recent Nobel laureate, immunologist Tasuku Honjo, establishing Japan’s first research center on cancer immunotherapy.

京都大学将满足其最近的诺贝尔奖获得者免疫学家 Tasuku Honjo 的愿望,建立日本第一个癌症免疫治疗研究中心。

The “center for general research on cancer immunity” will be headed by Honjo, 77, who was the co-winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2018.

这个"癌症免疫综合研究中心"将由77岁的 Honjo 领导,他是2018年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖癌症研究中心的共同获得者。

Researchers there will comprehensively study cancer immunotherapy from the basics to applications to boost the body's defenses to fight the disease.


According to the university, the research center will consist of five or six divisions that will work to clarify the basic mechanism of immunity, develop medicines for cancer treatment and conduct clinical trials with the drugs.


The state-run university plans to ask the education ministry to earmark a budget for the establishment of the center in April 2020.


ASAHI 原文传送门

