What's new on 2019 / 06 / 12 ? 埃博拉疫情爆发以来首次在刚果境外传播、超过1600名外国学生被报失踪......
Ebola Just Spread Outside the Congo for the First Time Since the Outbreak Began
(KAMPALA, Uganda) — A child in Uganda has tested positive for Ebola in what is the first cross-border case of the deadly virus since an outbreak started in neighboring Congo last year, Uganda’s health ministry said late Tuesday, in a blow to efforts by health workers who for months sought to prevent contamination across the heavily traveled border.
KAMPALA 卫生部周二晚间表示,一名乌干达儿童在埃博拉病毒检测中呈阳性,这是自去年邻国刚果爆发埃博拉病毒以来,该病毒首次跨境传播,这对卫生工作者的努力是一个打击。数月以来,卫生工作者一直在努力防止埃博拉病毒越过人迹罕至的边境地区传播。
The patient, a 5-year-old Congolese boy, has been isolated at a hospital in a district near the Congo border, Ugandan Health Minister Jane Aceng told reporters.
乌干达卫生部长简·阿肯(Jane Aceng)告诉记者,这名患者是一名5岁的刚果男孩,目前已被隔离在靠近刚果边境的一个地区的医院里。
The announcement puts new pressure on the World Health Organization to declare the Ebola outbreak — the second-deadliest in history — a global health emergency.
这一声明给世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)带来了新的压力,要求其宣布埃博拉疫情爆发为全球卫生紧急事件。埃博拉疫情是历史上死亡人数第二多的疾病。
In April a WHO expert committee decided that the outbreak, while of “deep concern,” was not yet a global health emergency.
Trump reveals Mexico migrant plan by waving document around
US President Donald Trump has inadvertently revealed some details of his immigration deal with Mexico.
Speaking to reporters, he refused to give details of the plans to curb migration, saying that he wanted to let Mexico announce it "at the right time".
However, he said this while waving around a single sheet of paper that had the details of the deal written on it.
As a result, the contents of the sheet were then captured in photographs taken by news media.
The document contained references to a regional asylum plan, which would involve several Latin American countries processing migrants' asylum claims in order to stave off US tariffs.
Montreal woman says STM bus driver didn't stop for her because of her niqab
蒙特利尔一女子说 STM 巴士司机因为她的面纱没有为她停车
Zineb Benrochd was standing at a bus stop in broad daylight last week, wearing her niqab, when a bus whizzed right past her.
上周,光天化日之下,当一辆公共汽车呼啸而过时,Zineb Benrochd 戴着面纱站在一个公共汽车站前。
The 23-year-old Montrealer wondered why. She says she looked the driver up online and discovered a trail of Islamophobic social media posts.
In 2010, for instance, the bus driver posted: "I'm so happy and in a good mood today, that I love everybody, except the [expletive] who wear the hijab or the veil. Sorry, but I can't stand them."
But when Benrochd took to Facebook in an attempt to call out the bus driver's behaviour, she was soon bombarded with dozens of messages — some angry, some hateful — from other Montreal transit employees defending their colleague.
但是,当本洛赫德在 Facebook 上试图指出公交司机的行为时,她很快就收到了来自蒙特利尔交通部其他员工为自己同事辩护的数十条信息的狂轰滥炸,其中有些愤怒,有些充满仇恨。
The Société de transport de Montréal has opened an investigation into the incident. Benrochd has also filed complaints with the Montreal police hate crimes unit and Quebec's human rights commission.
蒙特利尔交通局已经对此事展开调查。Benrochd 还向蒙特利尔警方仇恨犯罪部门和魁北克人权委员会提出了投诉。
More than 1,600 foreign students reported missing from university
More than 1,600 foreign students have gone missing from a Tokyo-based social welfare university, which has been ordered by the education ministry to stop accepting non-regular research students.
The education ministry and the Justice Ministry’s Immigration Bureau announced on June 11 that 1,610 foreign students in total between fiscal 2016 and fiscal 2018 have "disappeared" from Tokyo University and Graduate School of Social Welfare.
The education ministry said that the disappearances occurred because the university readily accepted foreign students and that it didn’t adequately manage its enrollment. It said the responsibility of the university is "huge."
As non-regular research students, who were preparing to enter the university, number the most whose current whereabouts are unknown, the ministry instructed the university to postpone accepting students in that category for the time being.
Education minister Masahiko Shibayama took some of the blame at a news conference on June 11.
Huawei says it’s scrapping laptop launch because of US blacklisting
Huawei is cancelling the launch of a new Matebook laptop.
华为取消了一款新的 Matebook 笔记本电脑的发布。
Richard Yu, CEO of Huawei’s consumer business, says that’s a result of being on the U.S. Entity List, which restricts American firms selling products to the Chinese company.
华为消费者业务的首席执行官 Richard Yu 说,这是因为被列入美国实体名单,限制美国公司向中国公司销售产品。
Huawei’s flagship Matebook X relies on Intel chips and Microsoft software.
华为的旗舰产品 Matebook x 依赖于英特尔芯片和微软软件。