What's new on 2019 / 03 / 14 ? 尼日利亚学校坍塌8人死亡、英国国会反对脱欧.......

At Least Eight Dead After a School Building Collapsed in Nigeria With Children Inside

(LAGOS, Nigeria) — Emergency crews sifted through debris as night fell on frantic efforts to rescue scores of school children and others feared trapped inside a three-story building that collapsed Wednesday in Nigeria’s densely populated commercial capital, Lagos. At least eight people were confirmed dead and 37 others were rescued alive.

(尼日利亚拉各斯)周三,尼日利亚人口密集的商业首都拉各斯一栋三层楼房倒塌,救援人员在夜幕降临时,紧急救援人员在废墟中仔细搜寻,紧急救援人员努力营救数十名被困在楼内的学生和其他人。 至少有8人被证实死亡,另有37人获救。

Anguished families crowded around the flattened remains of the building, which housed an elementary school, holding out hope that more children would still be found alive in the wreckage.


Scenes of jubilation erupted earlier in the day when a man was brought out alive. But the mood shifted dramatically an hour later when another man was brought out dead. The rescue of a woman carried to an ambulance on a stretcher was greeted with cries of, “She’s not dead!” in the local Yoruba language.

当天早些时候,一名男子被活着带出来,人们欢呼雀跃。 但是一个小时后,当另一个人被抬出来时,情绪发生了戏剧性的变化。 当救援人员将一名妇女放在担架上抬上救护车时,救援人员喊道:"她没死!" 用当地的约鲁巴语。

TIME 原文传送门

Brexit: MPs vote to reject no-deal Brexit
英国脱欧: 国会议员投票反对不达成协议的脱欧

MPs will vote on Thursday on delaying Brexit after they rejected the idea of leaving the EU without a deal.


In a night of high drama in the Commons, MPs surprised the government and voted by 312 to 308 to reject a no-deal Brexit under any circumstances.


The vote is not binding - under current law the UK could still leave without a deal on 29 March.


BBC 原文传送门

Can't get onto Facebook or Instagram? You're not the only one
不能登陆 Facebook 或 Instagram? 你不是唯一一个

Facebook says it is aware of outages on its platforms including Facebook, Messenger and Instagram and is working to resolve the issue.

Facebook 表示,它已经意识到 Facebook、 Messenger 和 Instagram 等平台的宕机问题,并正在努力解决这一问题。

According to Facebook's status page, the outages started around 11 a.m. ET on Wednesday. That page, which calls the problem a "partial outage," said Facebook has experienced "increased error rates" since that time.

根据 Facebook 的状态页面显示,停电开始于美国东部时间周三上午11点左右。 该网页将此问题称为"部分中断",并表示自那时以来,Facebook 出现了"更高的错误率"。

Downdetector.com, a site that monitors site outages, said the Facebook problem affected parts of the U.S., including the East and West Coast, parts of Europe and elsewhere.

一个监测网站宕机情况的网站,称 Facebook 的问题影响了美国的部分地区,包括东西海岸,欧洲部分地区和其他地区。

CBC 原文传送门

More than 500 Banunu killed by rival group in DR Congo

GENEVA (Reuters) — More than 500 men, women and children from the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Banunu community were killed in attacks by Batende villagers in December, some beheaded and many slain as they tried to flee across a river, U.N. investigators said on Tuesday.

路透日内瓦12月12日电 -- 联合国调查人员周二表示,去年12月,刚果民主共和国巴努努社区500多名男女和儿童在巴滕德村村民的袭击中丧生,其中一些人被斩首,许多人在试图越过一条河流逃离时遇害。

The victims included a 2-year-old child thrown into a septic tank. Others were burnt alive, the investigators said.

受害者包括一名被扔进化粪池的两岁儿童。 调查人员说,其他人被活活烧死。

More than 19,000 people were displaced, most fleeing into the Republic of Congo. Almost 1,000 buildings, including churches, schools and health centers, were destroyed or looted.

超过19000人流离失所,大部分逃往刚果共和国。 包括教堂、学校和健康中心在内的近1000座建筑物遭到破坏或抢劫。

The violence was triggered by a dispute over the burial of a Banunu chief, the U.N. investigators said.

联合国调查人员说,这次暴力事件是由一位 Banunu 酋长的葬礼引发的争端引发的。


Malaysia shuts 111 schools as poisonings become 'more critical'

Malaysia has shut down a total of 111 schools on Wednesday after a suspected chemical leak last week left more than 200 children, teachers and others being treated for poisoning, its education minister said late on Wednesday.


Authorities believe the poisoning was caused by toxic waste dumped into a river near the schools in the southern state of Johor.

有关当局认为,这起中毒事件是由 Johor 南部学校附近的一条河流倾倒的有毒废物引起的

Earlier on Wednesday, Education Minister Maszlee Malik said in a Facebook post that the situation was "getting more critical."

周三早些时候,教育部长马兹利·马利克(Maszlee Malik)在 Facebook 上发帖称,情况"越来越危急"

CNBC 原文传送门

