What's new on 2019 / 03 / 15 ? 新西兰清真寺枪击案、沙特阿拉伯审判女权活动家.......

Witness Says Many Have Died in a Mass Shooting at a New Zealand Mosque

(CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand) — Many people were killed in a mass shooting at a mosque in the New Zealand city of Christchurch on Friday, a witness said.


Police have not yet described the scale of the shooting but urged people in central Christchurch to stay indoors.


And New Zealand media reported a shooting at a second mosque in a Christchurch suburb.


Witness Len Peneha said he saw a man dressed in black enter the Masjid Al Noor mosque in central Christchurch at about 1:45 p.m. and then heard dozens of shots, followed by people running from the mosque in terror.

目击者 Len Peneha 说,他看到一名身穿黑色衣服的男子在下午1点45分左右进入基督城中部的 Masjid Al Noor 清真寺,然后听到几十声枪响,后面跟着恐怖分子从清真寺跑出来。

TIME 原文传送门

Cyclone Idai: Mozambique braces for 'worst-case scenario' storm
气旋伊代: 莫桑比克准备迎接绝境求生手册风暴

People living in one of Mozambique's largest cities have been warned to expect the "worst-case scenario" as a major cyclone makes landfall.


Cyclone Idai, which is carrying winds of up to 225 km/h (140 mph), is making landfall near the port of Beira.


A storm surge of at least six metres (20 feet) is expected near low-lying Beira, a city of 500,000 people, Météo France said.


Heavy rains have already killed about 100 people in Mozambique and Malawi.


BBC 原文传送门

For Pi Day, Google engineer cuts more slices and finds 9 trillion new digits

Today is Pi Day, and this year we know nine trillion more digits of the celebrated never-ending number than we did the last time Pi Day came around, thanks to a record-breaking calculation by Google engineer Emma Haruka Iwao.

今天是圆周率日,今年我们知道的这个数字比上一个圆周率日多了9万亿位,这要归功于谷歌工程师艾玛 · 哈鲁卡 · 伊沃(Emma Haruka Iwao)破纪录的计算。

Iwao's calculation brings pi to 31,415,926,535,897 digits. She posted the last 97 digits in a blog post.

的计算使得圆周率达到了31,415,926,535,897位。 她在博客上发布了最后的97位数字。

CBC 原文传送门

Saudi Arabia tries women’s rights activists

RIYADH (Reuters) — Saudi Arabian women’s rights activists stood trial on Wednesday for the first time since their arrest over nine months ago, a case that has intensified scrutiny of Riyadh’s human rights record after the murder of a prominent journalist.


Loujain al-Hathloul, Aziza al-Yousef, Eman al-Nafjan and Hatoon Al-Fassi are among 10 women to appear before the Criminal Court in the capital Riyadh, where charges were presented against them, court president Ibrahim al-Sayari said.

法院院长 Ibrahim al-Sayari 说,在首都利雅得的刑事法院,有10名女性受到指控,其中包括 Loujain al-Hathloul、 Aziza al-Yousef、 Eman al-Nafjan 和 Hatoon Al-Fassi。

He was speaking to reporters and more than a dozen diplomats from the United States and Europe, who were barred from entering the court after receiving no response to earlier requests. Sayari cited privacy concerns for not making the trial public.

他是在对记者和十多名来自美国和欧洲的外交官发表讲话,这些外交官在早些时候的请求没有得到回应后被禁止进入法庭。 萨亚里以隐私问题为由没有将审判公之于众。

The women are among more than a dozen prominent activists, including several men, arrested in the weeks before a ban on women driving cars in the conservative kingdom was lifted last June. A few were previously released without trial.

在这个保守王国于去年6月取消禁止女性驾驶汽车的禁令之前的几周里,包括几名男性在内的十几名知名活动人士遭到逮捕,这些女性就是其中之一。 一些人之前未经审判就被释放了。


Israel launches Gaza strikes after rockets fired at Tel Aviv

Israeli military aircraft bombed Hamas facilities in the Gaza Strip on Friday, hours after two rockets were launched from the Palestinian enclave at Tel Aviv in the first such attack since a 2014 war.


There was no immediate word of casualties in the air strikes that hit six buildings used by the dominant Islamist group's security forces, and which had been evacuated as a precaution.


CNBC 原文传送门

