What's new on 2019 / 03 / 18 ? 特朗普攻击已故参议员、印尼洪灾、皮尔逊机场火灾........

For the Second Day in a Row, President Trump Attacks Late Sen. John McCain

(Bloomberg) — President Trump continued his attack on John McCain for a second day, tweeting again about the role the late Arizona Republican senator played in sharing the so-called Steele Dossier with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the media.

(彭博社)——特朗普总统连续第二天继续攻击约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain) ,再次发推文谈论这位已故亚利桑那州共和党参议员在与联邦调查局(fbi)和媒体分享所谓的斯蒂尔档案中所扮演的角色。

TIME 原文传送门

Indonesia floods: Dozens dead in Papua province
印尼洪灾: 巴布亚省数十人死亡

At least 73 people have died and more than 60 are missing in flash floods in Indonesia's eastern province of Papua.


Rescue workers are struggling to reach remote parts of the province, and there are fears the number of dead may rise.


Roads have been blocked by landslides and fallen trees, and floodwaters have damaged two bridges and more than 100 houses.


More than 4,000 people have been forced from their homes, and some are sheltering in government offices.


Local residents said torrential rain began on Saturday evening and continued into the night, triggering mudslides and flash floods.


BBC 原文传送门

Flights cancelled, hundreds evacuated following fire in terminal 1 at Pearson airport

Hundreds of people have been evacuated following a fire inside terminal one at Toronto's Pearson International Airport, according to Peel police.


Following the incident, all flights to the U.S. scheduled to depart from terminal one Sunday evening were cancelled, according to the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA).


Outbound international flights and inbound arrivals were suspended at the terminal, but have since resumed.


CBC 原文传送门

Moomin park opens

HANNO, Saitama (Jiji Press) — Moominvalley Park, a theme park featuring Finnish fairytale Moomin, opened near Lake Miyazawa in the city of Hanno, Saitama Prefecture, on Saturday.

Saitama,Jiji PressHANNO (Jiji Press)ー Moominvalley Park,一个以芬兰童话 Moomin 为特色的主题公园,于周六在 Lake Miyazawa 附近的 Hanno 埼玉县开放。

Moomin Monogatari, the operator of the theme park, hopes that the facility will attract 1 million visitors annually.

该主题公园的运营商姆明 · 莫纳加塔里希望该设施每年能吸引100万游客。

The lakeside was selected as the venue of the theme park, as the location is rich in nature and its atmosphere resembles that of Northern Europe, the setting of the Moomin stories.


The park has four areas, including Moominvalley. The iconic Moominhouse has also been built, allowing visitors to see the rooms inside.

公园有四个区域,包括姆巴瓦利。 标志性的姆明馆也已经建成,让游客可以看到里面的房间。


Mother gets 3 1/2 years in prison for causing triplet’s death

OKAZAKI, Aichi Prefecture--An overwhelmed mother who was raising triplets mostly on her own was found guilty of causing one of their deaths after slamming the baby to the floor and was sentenced to three and a half years in prison.

OKAZAKI,爱知县---- 一位不知所措的母亲独自抚养着三胞胎,在将孩子摔倒在地后,她被判有罪,并被判处三年半有期徒刑。

The Okazaki branch of the Nagoya District Court acknowledged in a March 15 ruling that Eri Matsushita, 30, was responsible for the death of her 11-month-old triplet, who died of brain damage. Prosecutors sought a six-year prison term.

名古屋地区法院(Nagoya District Court)冈崎分院在3月15日的一项裁决中承认,30岁的松下惠里(Eri Matsushita)应对她11个月大的三胞胎的死亡负责,她的三胞胎死于脑损伤。 检察官要求判处六年徒刑。

The court said the baby suffered the injuries when she tossed him to the tatami-mat floor around 7 p.m. on Jan. 11, 2018, after she became enraged by his crying.


Although the accused was believed to be in a depressed state at the time and overwhelmed by her child-rearing responsibilities, the court determined that she was fully responsible for her actions.


ASAHI 原文传送门

