What's new on 2019 / 03 / 25 ? 佛路里达州夫妇死于双重谋杀、帕克兰大学学生自杀身亡.......

Quebec couple's deaths in Florida being treated as double homicide

A Quebec couple was found dead inside their mobile home in Pompano Beach, Fla., on Friday evening and local authorities are treating the case as a double homicide.


Marc Gagne, 80, and Rita Fortin, 78, were from Saint-Côme-Linière, Que., about 100 kilometres southeast of Quebec City.

80岁的马克·加涅和78岁的丽 ·福丁来自 Saint-Côme-Linière,Que. ,距离魁北克市东南大约100公里。

Neighbours, worried about the couple's absence after a few days, went to their mobile home to check in and found the door unlocked. Once inside, they discovered the lifeless bodies and contacted emergency services.


CBC 原文传送门

Another Parkland Student Has Died by Apparent Suicide

Another student of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., has died by apparent suicide, police have confirmed. The death comes a week after Sydney Aiello, 19, a survivor of last year’s mass shooting, took her own life.

警方证实,帕克兰马乔里·斯通曼·道格拉斯高中的另一名学生死于明显的自杀。 19岁的 Sydney Aiello 是去年大规模枪击案的幸存者,一周前她自杀了。

Coral Springs Police confirmed that the most recent death was an “apparent suicide,” though they have not yet released details of the student’s identity, other than the fact that he or she was a currently enrolled student at Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.


Police have not confirmed if the deceased student was enrolled at the high school last year when it became the scene of a horrific mass shooting that claimed 17 lives. They have also not confirmed the cause of death.

警方还没有确认这名已故学生是否就读于去年发生在这所高中的可怕的大规模枪击事件,该事件导致17人死亡。 他们也没有确认死因。

TIME 原文传送门

Authorities work to keep streets smoke-free during Tokyo Games

The strictest smoking policy of any Olympics and Paralympics in recent years will be enforced at the Tokyo 2020 Games in all the competition venues, including their grounds.


However, parties including residents of surrounding areas and local governments are voicing concerns about a possible knock-on effect increasing such problems as people smoking on the streets outside venues, and cigarette butts being discarded on the ground.


In response to those worries, local authorities are hurrying to implement measures to deal with the issues.



Gay athlete hopes Tokyo Games increase LGBT visibility in sports
同性恋运动员希望东京奥运会能提高 LGBT 在体育界的接受度

A women's soccer player has come out publicly as a sexual minority, hoping that her declaration will encourage other athletes to do the same.


Shiho Shimoyamada, 24, who plays for SV Meppen, a team in the second tier of the German Bundesliga, hopes to normalize the LGBT presence in Japan’s sports community before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

24岁的 Shimoyamada 希望在2020年东京奥运会之前使日本体育界的 LGBT 群体正常化。

“You will find a lot of company, absolutely,” said Shimoyamada of others like her, if they come out.



Fed's rate pause is an 'opportunity' for Indonesia to spur growth, says its finance minister

"For us ... this is an opportunity to actually accelerate the growth, but we really have to be very careful," Indonesia's Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati told CNBC at the Credit Suisse Asian Investment Conference in Hong Kong on Monday.

周一在香港举行的瑞士信贷亚洲投资会议上,印尼财政部长 Sri Mulyani Indrawati 向 CNBC 表示:"对我们来说... ... 这是一个实际上加速增长的机会,但我们真的必须非常谨慎。"

The U.S. Federal Reserve had surprised investors by adopting a sharp dovish stance last Wednesday, projecting no further interest rate hikes this year.


The pause, and the Fed signalling in January that it will be "patient" with monetary policy, is "relieving pressure" for many emerging economies, including Indonesia, Sri Mulyani said.

斯里•穆尔亚尼(Sri Mulyani)表示,这种暂停以及美联储在1月份发出的将对货币政策"保持耐心"的信号,正在"缓解"包括印尼在内的许多新兴经济体的压力

CNBC 原文传送门

