What's new on 2019 / 04 / 26 ? 芝加哥氨泄漏37人住院、塞浦路斯男子承认杀害七名妇女和女孩......

37 Hospitalized Following Anhydrous Ammonia Leak Outside Chicago

(BEACH PARK, Ill.) — A chemical leak that caused a toxic plume to hang for hours over a northern Chicago suburb Thursday sickened dozens of people, including seven who are in critical condition, officials said.

(Ill. 海滩公园)ー有关官员称,周四芝加哥北部郊区上空发生的一起化学品泄漏导致有毒烟雾持续数小时,致使数十人患病,其中7人情况危急。

Lake Forest Fire Chief Mike Gallo said a tractor was towing two separate two-ton containers of anhydrous ammonia when the leak occurred around 4:30 a.m. Initial reports suggested the vehicle was involved in a crash, but the sheriff’s office later said that was not the case. The cause of the leak has not been released.

森林湖消防队长 Mike Gallo 说,凌晨4:30左右发生泄漏时,一辆拖拉机正拖着两个重达两吨的氨。初步报告显示,这辆车与一起事故有关,但警长办公室后来表示,事实并非如此。泄漏原因尚未公布。

The leak created a toxic cloud that lingered for several hours over Beach Park, about 40 miles (65 kilometers) north of downtown Chicago. Authorities ordered residents within a 1-miles radius to stay inside and close their windows. Area schools were closed for the day.

泄漏产生了一团有毒云,在芝加哥市中心以北约40英里(65公里)的海滩公园上空徘徊了几个小时。 当局命令方圆1英里内的居民呆在室内,并关闭窗户。该地区的学校当天停课。

TIME 原文传送门

Cyprus: Man confesses to killing seven women and girls
塞浦路斯: 男子承认杀害七名妇女和女孩

A man in Cyprus has confessed to murdering seven women and girls in what local media have called the island's "first serial killings".


Two bodies were found in a mine shaft earlier this month and a third one was found on Thursday.


The main suspect, a 35-year-old Greek-Cypriot army officer, is then said to have admitted more killings.


Police are now looking for them based on the information he provided.


They involve a woman who was either Indian or Nepalese, as well as a Romanian woman and her eight-year-old daughter.


A six-year-old girl, the daughter of one of the murder victims, is also missing.


Investigators found the third woman's body on Thursday after the suspect led them to the spot where he is alleged to have dumped it, near the capital of Nicosia.


BBC 原文传送门

Sri Lanka warned of new threats at places of worship, and lowers death toll from deadly Easter Sunday blasts

Sri Lanka's top health official has revised down the death toll from the Easter Sunday attacks, while the U.S. Embassy in the island nation's capital warned people to avoid places of worship this weekend because of possible extremist attacks.


The new official figure was 253, down from an earlier 359, Deputy Defence Minister Ruwan Wijewardene said. He blamed inaccurate data provided by morgues for the discrepancy.

国防部副部长 Ruwan Wijewardene 说,新的官方数字是253,低于先前的359。他将这种差异归咎于停尸房提供的不准确数据。

Anil Jasinghe, the director general of Sri Lanka's health services, told Reuters any figure was an estimate: "It could be 250 or 260. I can't exactly say. There are so many body parts and it is difficult to give a precise figure."

斯里兰卡卫生服务总监 Anil Jasinghe 告诉路透社,任何数字都是估计,“可能是250或260。”我不能确切地说,“身体部位太多,很难给出一个精确的数字。”

CBC 原文传送门

Russia eases passport access in east Ukraine

ST. PETERSBURG/KIEV (Reuters) — Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an order on Wednesday simplifying the procedure for obtaining a Russian passport for residents of separatist-controlled eastern Ukraine, prompting calls from Kiev for more international sanctions.

st.彼得斯堡 / 基辅电(路透社) -- 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)周三签署了一项命令,简化了分裂主义者控制的乌克兰东部地区居民获得俄罗斯护照的程序,促使基辅呼吁对其实施更多国。

Five years of war between Ukrainian troops and Russian-backed forces have killed 13,000 people despite a notional ceasefire signed in 2015.


Russia’s move is an early test for the Ukrainian president-elect, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who won a landslide victory in Sunday’s election and has pledged to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.

俄罗斯的举动是对乌克兰当选总统 Volodymyr Zelenskiy 的早期考验。Volodymyr Zelenskiy 在周日的选举中赢得了一个压倒性胜利,并承诺找到和平解决冲突的办法。

Zelenskiy said Putin’s action showed Russia was waging war in Ukraine and brought the two sides no closer to peace. He called for the international community to threaten Russia with more sanctions. Outgoing President Petro Poroshenko said Russia might try to annex the Donbass region.

泽伦斯基说,普京的行动表明俄罗斯正在向乌克兰发动战争,这并没有让双方更接近和平。他呼吁国际社会以更多的制裁来威胁俄罗斯。即将离任的彼得·波罗申科表示,俄罗斯可能试图吞并 Donbass 地区。


New iPad feature to compete with laptops could come in Apple's iOS 13
与笔记本电脑竞争的新 iPad 功能可能会出现在苹果的 iOS 13中

The debate over whether an Apple iPad can replace a laptop remains polarized. But with the launch of the next iteration of iOS, Apple could finally remove one of the longest-running arguments against the iPad as a productivity device.

关于苹果 iPad 能否取代笔记本电脑的争论仍然是两极分化的。 但随着下一代 iOS 的发布,苹果终于可以消除一个长久以来反对 iPad 作为生产力设备的论点。

The iPad is on track to get mouse support for the first time, according to Federico Viticci, editor in chief of MacStories. Viticci revealed his scoop on episode 239 of the Connected podcast. It was confirmed on Twitter by Steve Troughton-Smith, a long-time Apple developer from Ireland.

据 MacStories 主编 Federico Viticci 说,iPad 有望首次获得鼠标支持。Viticci 在 Connected 播客的第239集中透露了他的独家新闻。来自爱尔兰的苹果开发者史蒂夫·特鲁顿-史密斯在 Twitter 上证实了这一消息。

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