What's new on 2019 / 06 / 04 ?特朗普总统在纪念和动荡时刻会见伊丽莎白二世、加拿大旨在摧毁塔鲁人组织......

President Trump Meets Queen Elizabeth II at a Time of Remembrance and Turmoil

(LONDON) — Mixing pageantry and political pugilism, President Donald Trump embarked on his long-delayed state visit to Britain on Monday, belligerently insulting London’s mayor but being feted with smiles by the royals at a time of turmoil for both nations in the deep, if recently strained, alliance.

(伦敦) —— 周一,唐纳德·特朗普总统开始了他拖延已久的对英国的国事访问,混合了盛大的庆祝活动和政治拳击,挑衅性地侮辱了伦敦市长,但是在这两个国家深陷(尽管最近有些紧张)联盟动荡之际,王室却用微笑款待了他。

It was a whirlwind of pomp, circumstance and protest for Trump, who had lunch with Queen Elizabeth and tea with Prince Charles before a grand state dinner at Buckingham Palace. Eager to flatter Trump, the British lavished him with spectacle, beginning his visit with a deafening royal gun salute as the president and first lady Melania Trump walked to the palace where a waiting queen greeted them with a smile.

对于特朗普来说,这是一场盛大而旋风般的抗议活动,他与伊丽莎白女王共进午餐,与查尔斯王子共饮茶水,然后在白金汉宫举行盛大的国宴。为了讨好特朗普,英国人向他大献殷勤。当总统和第一夫人梅拉尼娅·特朗普(Melania Trump)走进白金汉宫时,英国人以震耳欲聋的皇家礼炮开始了他的访问,一位等候的女王微笑着迎接他们。

Those were the images sought by a White House eager to showcase Trump as a statesman while, back home, the race to succeed him — and talk of impeaching him — heated up. Yet Trump, forever a counter-puncher, immediately roiled diplomatic docility by tearing into London Mayor Sadiq Khan.


TIME 原文传送门

US man sentenced after throwing child from mall balcony

A US man has been sentenced to 19 years in prison after pleading guilty to throwing a five-year-old boy from a third-floor balcony.


Emmanuel Aranda, 24, told police he went to Minnesota's Mall of America "looking for someone to kill", before choosing the boy, identified as Landen.


In a statement read in court on Monday, Landen's parents decried Aranda's act as one "intended to kill and destroy".


Landen survived the almost 40ft (12m) fall, but required multiple surgeries.


His parents described his recovery from head trauma and broken bones sustained in the 12 April attack as "miraculous". No further update on his condition was provided.


BBC 原文传送门

Canada aimed to 'destroy Indigenous people': The MMIWG inquiry's case for genocide
加拿大旨在摧毁塔鲁人组织: MMIWG 调查的种族灭绝案件

It was an "inescapable conclusion" that genocide was committed against Canada's Indigenous peoples, said Marion Buller, the chief commissioner for the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls, during a Monday news conference.

在周一的新闻发布会上,全国调查被谋杀和失踪的土著妇女和女孩的首席专员 Marion Buller 说,这是一个"不可避免的结论",即加拿大原住民遭到了种族灭绝。

That conclusion has been reverberating across the country since news first surfaced on Friday that the inquiry had determined that thousands of those women and girls were victims of a "Canadian genocide."


The final report said Canada, from its pre-colonial past to today, has aimed to "destroy Indigenous peoples."


CBC 原文传送门

30,000-year-old ‘cave lion’ found in Siberian permafrost

The whole body of a “cave lion,” a creature believed to have gone extinct about 10,000 years ago, was found in Siberian permafrost soil, Jikei University School of Medicine visiting Prof. Naoki Suzuki and a Russian research team announced Monday.

在西伯利亚的永久冻土层中发现了一只"洞狮"的整个身体,这种生物被认为在10000年前就已经灭绝了。周一,来访的东京慈惠会医科大学 Naoki Suzuki 教授和一个俄罗斯研究小组宣布了这一消息。

The body has been preserved in good condition, still having its muscles and internal organs. The discovery is expected to help advance research on its biology.



Apple WWDC 2019: iOS 13 dark mode, Mac Pro, MacOS 10.15 and everything Apple just announced
2019年苹果全球开发者大会: iOS 13暗模式,Mac Pro,MacOS 10.15以及苹果刚刚宣布的一切

Apple held its annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in San Jose on Monday and threw a lot of new stuff at us, including a Mac Pro and Pro Display XDR, iOS 13 with a dark mode, MacOS Catalina and an operating system for the iPad called iPadOS.

苹果公司周一在圣何塞举行了年度全球开发者大会(WWDC) ,并向我们抛出了许多新东西,包括 Mac Pro 和 Pro Display XDR、暗模式的 iOS 13、 MacOS Catalina 和 iPad 的操作系统 iPadOS。

CNET 原文传送门

