What's new on 2019 / 07 / 09 ? 伊莉莎白·华伦集团第二季度融资1910万美元、意大利奥运游泳明星新婚拯救溺水者.....

Elizabeth Warren Raises $19.1 Million in Second Quarter

(WASHINGTON) — Elizabeth Warren raised $19.1 million in the second quarter, her campaign said Monday, cementing her status in the top tier of Democratic presidential contenders and a leading voice of the party’s liberal base.

(华盛顿) - 周一,她的竞选团队表示,伊莉莎白·华伦在第二季度筹集了1910万美元,巩固了她在民主党总统候选人中的顶级竞争者的地位,以及该党自由派基础的主要声音。

The Massachusetts senator’s second-quarter contributions leave her behind only Pete Buttigieg, the South Bend, Ind., mayor who reported nearly $25 million in donations, and former Vice President Joe Biden, who tallied $21.5 million since his candidacy began in late April. Perhaps most notably, Warren’s donations exceeded those reported by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, her closest rival, who is also vying for liberal voters and is the only other candidate who has joined her in swearing off high-dollar fundraisers.

这位马萨诸塞州参议员第二季度的捐款让她落在了 Ind. 南本德市的皮特·布蒂吉格和前副总统乔·拜登之后,前者报告了近2500万美元的捐款,后者自4月底开始竞选以来共计2150万美元。也许最值得注意的是,沃伦的捐款额超过了与她最接近的竞争对手佛蒙特州参议员伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)的捐款额。桑德斯也在争取自由派选民,是唯一一位与她一起发誓放弃高额筹款的候选人。

Warren’s success underscores the threat she poses to both Sanders and California Sen. Kamala Harris, whose $12 million second-quarter fundraising got a major boost in the final days of last month from her performance in the first Democratic debate. While Sanders appeals to progressives seeking an ambitious Democratic agenda, Warren has staked a claim to his base with her now-trademark policy plans. And as Harris seeks a foothold with black voters as the primary’s lone black female candidate, Warren is making headway of her own with black women.

沃伦的成功突显了她对桑德斯和加利福尼亚州参议员卡马拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)构成的威胁。哈里斯在第二季度筹集的1200万美元资金,在上个月最后几天的民主党第一次辩论中的表现,大大推动了后者的。虽然桑德斯呼吁进步人士寻求一个雄心勃勃的民主党议程,但沃伦已经用她现在标志性的政策计划来争取自己的选民基础。 随着哈里斯作为初选中唯一的黑人女性候选人在黑人选民中寻求立足点,沃伦在黑人女性选民中也取得了进展。

TIME 原文传送门

Filippo Magnini: Italian Olympic swimming star saves drowning newly-wed
菲利普·马尼尼: 意大利奥运游泳明星新婚拯救新婚溺水者

If you venture too far out of your depth it helps to have an Olympic swimmer nearby.


Italian Filippo Magnini rescued Andrea Benedetto who was drowning off a Sardinian beach on Sunday.

上周日,意大利人菲利普 · 马尼尼在撒丁岛海滩上救起了溺水的安德烈 · 贝内代托。

The former world champion plunged in after friends of the man shouted to sunbathers on Cala Sinzias beach, just east of Cagliari.

这位前世界冠军在卡利亚里以东的 Cala Sinzias 海滩上向日光浴者喊叫后跳入水中。

Magnini kept Mr Benedetto's head above water until lifeguards arrived with a raft.


"I just did what I had to," the retired sportsman said later.


Only two days before, Mr Benedetto, 45, had married his boyfriend at a ceremony in Cagliari.


The aftermath of Sunday's incident was witnessed by a friend of the couple and BBC Persian journalist, Soroush Pakzad.

这对夫妇的一位朋友和 BBC 波斯记者 Soroush Pakzad 目睹了周日事件的后果。

BBC 原文传送门

Order of Canada recipient Peter Dalglish jailed 16 years for sexual assault in Nepal

A prominent Canadian aid worker convicted of sexually assaulting children in Nepal has been jailed for 16 years, one of his lawyers said on Monday.


In addition to the prison term, the court ordered Peter Dalglish to pay his victims the equivalent of $5,000 US each, Nader Hasan said.


"We continue to be dismayed by the trial judge's refusal to consider the overwhelming evidence of Peter's innocence and the inconsistencies in the prosecution's case," Hasan told CBC News. "Peter's family stand by him unflinchingly and will continue to support him," he added.

"我们继续对审判法官拒绝考虑证明彼得无罪的压倒性证据和检方陈述中前后矛盾的地方感到失望,"哈桑告诉 CBC 新闻。"彼得的家人坚定地支持他,并将继续支持他,"他补充说。

CBC 原文传送门

Rookie Wolff triumphs in 3rd start

BLAINE, Minn. (AP) — Six weeks after winning the NCAA individual title with Oklahoma State, Matthew Wolff wrapped up just his third tournament as a professional.

布莱恩,Minn. (美联社)ー在俄克拉荷马州赢得 NCAA 个人冠军六周后,马修·沃尔夫刚刚结束了他职业生涯的第三次锦标赛。

He took home a trophy and a PGA Tour card.


Even if the 20-year-old was playing the 3M Open on a sponsor exemption in a field with far more accomplished players, Wolff’s time as an amateur provided plenty of experience to sharpen both his competitiveness and confidence.

尽管这位20岁的球员在赞助商豁免的情况下参加了3M 公开赛,但沃尔夫作为业余选手的经历为他提供了丰富的经验,增强了他的竞争力和信心。

“I was born for moments like these,” Wolff said. “I live for moments like these.”



Bill Gates praises Steve Jobs' ability to 'cast spells' on people

Gates calls himself a "minor wizard," not nearly as powerful at influencing people as Apple's co-founder.


Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had a long, complicated relationship and a rivalry that sometimes veered toward vicious. On Sunday, though, 63-year-old Gates had plenty of praise for the late Apple CEO, who died in 2011 of pancreatic cancer.

比尔 · 盖茨和史蒂夫 · 乔布斯有一段漫长而复杂的关系,他们之间的竞争有时会恶化。 然而,在周日,63岁的盖茨对这位2011年死于胰腺癌的已故苹果 CEO 赞不绝口。

Gates appeared Sunday's episode of Fareed Zakaria's GPS show, which focused on leadership. Zakaria, a CNN host, asked Gates about Jobs' management style, noting that Jobs broke almost every rule there is about leading a company.

盖茨出现在周日 Fareed Zakaria 的 GPS 节目中,该节目主要关注领导力。 主持人扎卡里亚向盖茨询问乔布斯的管理风格,指出乔布斯几乎打破了领导一家公司的所有规则。

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