What's new on 2019 / 03 / 08 ? 委内瑞拉大面积停电、美国警方拘留捡垃圾黑人男子、女王发布第一条INS.......

Venezuela Is Plunged Into Darkness by a Major Electrical Blackout

(CARACAS, Venezuela) — Much of Venezuela plunged into darkness Thursday evening, creating chaos as people struggled to navigate their way home amid what appeared to be one of the biggest blackouts yet in a country where power failures have become common.

(委内瑞拉加拉加斯) - 周四晚上,委内瑞拉大部分地区陷入黑暗,人们艰难地寻找回家的路,造成了一片混乱。在这个停电频繁的国家,这似乎是迄今为止规模最大的停电事故之一。

Commuters took to the sidewalks in Caracas after subway service stopped and a snarl of cars jammed the streets with stoplights out.


State-owned electricity operator Corpoelec blamed the outage on what it called an “attack” on the Guri Dam, one of the world’s largest hydroelectric stations and the cornerstone of Venezuela’s electrical grid.

国有电力运营商 Corpoelec 将这次停电归咎于古里大坝遭受的所谓"攻击"。古里大坝是全球最大的水电站之一,也是委内瑞拉电网的基石。

“We’ve been targeted again in the power war,” Maj. Gen. Luis Motta, President Nicolas Maduro’s minister of electrical power, said on state television.


TIME 原文传送门

US police detain black man picking up rubbish outside home

Police in the US state of Colorado have launched an internal probe after an officer detained a black man holding a rubbish picker in front of his building, US reports say.


Footage showed the man asking an officer why he had drawn his gun.


"I don't have a weapon! This is a bucket! This is a clamp!" he says in the video taken by a neighbour.

"我没有武器! 这是一个桶! 这是一个夹子!" 他在一个邻居拍的视频里说。

Police in Boulder said an officer had called for back up as the man was "unwilling to put down a blunt object".


Several more officers attended the scene before they determined that the man had a legal right to be on the property and took no further action, a police statement said.


BBC 原文传送门

Archaeologists find tunnels below Alcatraz

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Archaeologists confirmed a long-time suspicion of historians and say that famed Alcatraz prison was built over a Civil War-era military fortification.


Researchers found a series of buildings and tunnels under the prison yard of Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, which once held Al Capone, SFGate reported Tuesday.

据周二 SFGate 报道,研究人员在阿尔卡彭监狱的监狱院子里发现了一系列建筑和地道。

A study published last week in “Near Surface Geophysics” said archaeologists used ground-penetrating radar and terrestrial laser scans and historical maps and photographs. They found fully buried structures, ammunition magazines and tunnels.

上周发表在《近地表地球物理学》杂志上的一项研究表明,考古学家使用了透地雷达和地面的激光扫描以及历史地图和照片。 他们发现了完全埋在地下的建筑物、弹药库和隧道。


Toyota to review operations in Britain in case of ‘no-deal’ Brexit

GENEVA--Toyota Motor Corp. is weighing whether to pull up stakes and cease production in Britain in the event of “no-deal” Brexit from the European Union.

日内瓦——丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor corp.)正在考虑,如果欧盟(eu)拒绝英国退欧,是否要撤资并停止在英国的生产。

Johan van Zyl, president and CEO of Toyota Motor Europe, told a small group of reporters at the Geneva International Motor Show here March 6 that Toyota is not ruling out the possibility of re-examining its investment in Britain in such an event.

丰田汽车欧洲公司(Toyota Motor Europe)总裁兼首席执行官约翰•范•齐勒(Johan van Zyl)3月6日在日内瓦国际车展(Geneva International Motor Show)上对一小群记者表示,丰田不排除在这种情况下重新审视其在英国的投资的可能性。

He voiced concerns about the possible imposition of high tariffs on auto exports and urged Westminster to avoid a “no-deal” Brexit at all costs.



The queen just posted on Instagram for the first time
女王刚刚第一次在 Instagram 上发布消息

Queen Elizabeth II published her first ever Instagram post on Thursday.

周四,伊丽莎白二世发布了她在 Instagram 上的第一篇文章

Sent via the Royal Family’s Instagram account, the post shared a photograph of a letter sent to her great-great grandfather Prince Albert in 1843.

该帖子通过皇室的 Instagram 账号发布,分享了一张1843年写给她曾曾祖父阿尔伯特王子的一封信的照片

CNBC 原文传送门

